CBD Oil and Skin Care

September 11, 2018 0 By Connie

Is it Practical to Use CBD Oil for Skin Care?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, has been making the rounds as the latest natural and alternative therapy for skin care. CBD Oil, known for it’s stress-reducing, inflammation-reducing properties, has numerous health benefits and possesses several medicinal properties.

CBD Oil can promote healthy glowing skin

CBD Oil can promote healthy, glowing skin

Perhaps one of CBD’s lesser-known benefits is its incredible effect on your skin. Those same properties that make it a medical miracle to some people, also make it a star ingredient for healthy, glowing skin.

Body and Skin Can Sometimes be “Out of Balance”

Skin conditions reflect a body that is in some way out of balance. Your skins normal function depends partially on the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Skin is more likely to show signs of irritation such as dryness, itchiness, certain skin rashes, or acne when this system is imbalanced.  Your skin has receptors that are able to bind with the cannabinoids in hemp oil, allowing it to help balance your ECS to avoid skin irritation and treat and possibly improve many skin conditions. For people suffering from chronic dryness, redness, itchiness, or rashes, CBD Oil treatment can be a revelation.

Cannabis Oil for Healthy Skin

Acne, psoriasis, rosacea– the root of so many skin issues is actually inflammation. No matter how much you clean your face or skin, moisturize, or exfoliate, sometimes the inflammation in your skin cells is difficult to control. Because of CBD Oil’s natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, it can help reduce puffiness, redness, irritation and sometimes even pain. The natural fatty acids in CBD oil help moisturize the skin without clogging pores, making it great for many people with chronic dryness and eczema.

Appearance of Our Skin May Reflect Our Overall Aging

It appears that CBD Oil  may have some anti-aging properties as well. Linoleic and oleic acids found in hemp oil can’t be produced by the body but play a crucial role in skin health and anti-aging. These acids help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as prevent signs of aging and sun damage.  Antioxidants in CBD Oil help protect the skin and reverse damage from the sun, smoke, and other environmental pollutants. They also neutralize free radicals and keep them from damaging the collagen and elastin in your skin. This helps keep your skin tight and youthful looking. CBD Oil is an all-in-one solution that has the potential ability to target many issues simultaneously.

CBD Oil for Acne

Acne is the most common skin disease world-wide. It has the power to affect self-esteem and even quality of life. Diet, hormones, stress, medications, and hygiene can all cause, or have an effect on acne. Its direct cause is the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance naturally produced to protect the skin. Too much sebum, however, may cause your skin to become irritated and overreact, and blemishes appear.

Studies have shown that Cannabidiol is potentially very helpful for controlling acne. Researchers discovered that the endocannabinoid system of your body regulates cell growth in the skin. Cannabidiol, the main ingredient in CBD Oil, appears to be a “highly effective sebostatic agent.” Sebostatic means that it reduces and controls skin oils. Overproduction of these oils is one of the main causes of acne. So it might make sense that if CBD Oil can control the skin oils causing the acne, then acne will disappear over time. In this same study, researchers noted that CBD was also a complex anti-inflammatory, relieving the pain and redness of deep, inflamed acne as it works to control the cause. This supports anecdotal reports by users saying that all the symptoms of acne improve with regular application of CBD Oil on the skin.

CBD can also act as an antibacterial agent, decreasing the chance of acne returning in the future. The face, the shoulders, the buttocks; wherever acne might appear, it is safe and desirable to use CBD Oil. Unlike other acne medications on the market, it has no significant side effects (other than possible allergic reaction).

CBD Oil for Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment

It’s one of the many ironies of life, that once you get past your teenage acne years, that you can still suffer from other skin issues that cause you embarrassment and discomfort. Eczema is a skin rash that causes weeping blisters. Psoriasis is a condition that causes skin scales. Both are unsightly, red, dry, and insanely itchy. Both conditions seem to be caused by an over-reaction of the immune system. People of all ages can suffer from eczema, in locations like the hands, feet, behind the knees, inside the elbows, or perhaps on the face. Many people experience more signs of eczema and psoriasis in winter weather. Dry, cold air and rapid temperature changes experienced when you enter heated spaces, can cause your skin to get dry, flaky, itchy and red. Not unusual, others may suffer from these skin conditions year-round.

Typical Pharmaceutical Medications  for Eczema and Psoriasis vs. CBD Oil

One of the typical pharmaceuticals used for eczema and psoriasis is topical steroids. For severe cases, even oral steroids may be prescribed. Quite often, however, these prescription medicines aren’t meant to be used long-term. This is bad news for  chronic sufferers. Also many of these drugs may have undesirable side-effects. With the mildness of CBD Oil, it can be, in some cases, an effective treatment for these skin conditions; without possibly any of the side-effects of harsh steroids. Besides the other numerous listed benefits for the skin, CBD Oil has also been shown to have immuno-suppressive properties, which means it can help calm the over-reaction of your immune system, which may be causing the rash.

CBD Oil for Allergic Skin Reactions and Skin Cancer

CBD Oil forms a protective barrier on your skin, protecting it from external irritants. If you suffer from contact dermatitis or other skin allergies, a thin layer of CBD Oil can both prevent and treat your breakouts at the same time, while also soothing the swelling, redness, and itching of a skin allergy.

Studies have shown CBD can help control cell proliferation and differentiation, meaning it can help eliminate malignant cells, as well as neutralize the free radicals that often lead to cancerous cell mutations. It is not a cure, but it can help prevent it from spreading or appearing in new locations.

A study published October 2013 in the British Journal of Pharmacology, showed that CBD can combine with receptors of the endocannabinoid system in your skin and control gene regulation, thus controlling the differentiation of skin cells. Furthermore, CBD was able to stop and reverse skin cells that had started to become cancerous. However, never try to treat suspected skin cancer on your own. It must be done under a doctor’s guidance, because some skin cancers can spread quickly and be deadly. Please see your doctor before treating skin cancer with CBD Oil or any other non-prescription medication.

CBD Oil for Skin Care – How Can It be Used?

Generally speaking , you can apply hemp oil and hemp seed oil products directly to an irritated area of the skin.  You can apply it by itself, with a carrier oil, or use a cannabis-infused lotion or balm. Applying it directly may help soothe immediate irritation, dry skin and pain. If you apply the oil directly to the skin, many doctors recommend you apply it and leave it on for 2-5 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

You may even have immediate relief in symptoms. It’s also possible to see some improvement in your condition within 24-hours. To get the greatest benefit, use it as directed for two weeks and see how your skin responds. If you don’t see noticeable improvements, you may need to change products or dosages.

The most effective way to use CBD Oil to see results in your skin, is likely to ingest it as well as using it on the surface of your skin. Taking CBD Oil orally can provide the same skin benefits and additional overall health benefits as using the oil topically. A CBD Oil dosing regimen helps improve your skin from the inside out. Hemp oil is naturally high in nutrients and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential for skin health, and while they are effective when applied to the skin, they are even more so when ingested and processed by your body.

If you do take it orally, limit intake to 1 to 2 teaspoons daily — either all at one time, or divided into two doses to avoid any stomach upset. If you don’t like consuming hemp oil straight, one option is to mix it into foods, like smoothies, salad dressings or soup. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking hemp oil orally.

Getting Advice and Council for Skin Condition Treatments

I highly recommend exploring the options for treatment of any skin conditions, including the ones mentioned above, with your health care provider or physician.  If treatment with CBD Oil or hemp oil is suggested, it’s important to know where these oils come from, and how to evaluate their quality.  With certainty,  you don’t want to waste your time and money using impotent treatments, or worse, ones that might subject your skin to additional toxins, pesticides or unhelpful chemicals.

Noting  the Use of CBD Oil Skin Care – Sharing  Your Experiences

CBD Oil may turn out to be worth its weight in gold! It has been touted as a natural miracle drug with properties to help sooth and alleviate many conditions. Only time will tell if this substance is  truly the answer to so many health issues plaguing the world. Please share your experiences with us. We would appreciate hearing  from you! Please leave a comment below. Also, if you found this article helpful, please share and like.