CBD Oil for Migraine Treatment

September 10, 2018 0 By Connie

Suffering from Migraines?

Have you ever suffered from a migraine headache? If you have, you understand how painful and debilitating these headaches can be. There is a new kid on the block in helping alleviate some/most of the symptoms related to migraines. And that new kid is “CBD Oil!”

Headache Terms

Headache Terms

After I go through all the symptoms and causes of migraines, I will be discussing the advancement in the use of CBD Oil for migraine treatment.

Migraines are the most common of vascular headaches. Migraines affect 12% of the world’s population, and a high percentage suffer from chronic migraines (more than 15 per month). Forty-five million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, and twenty-eight million of those suffer from migraines. 25% of the population will experience a migraine at some time in their life. After adolescence, the majority of sufferers are women. The ration is 3 to 1.

This debilitating condition has been notoriously hard to treat. Doctors advise patients to make lifestyle changes and learn their ‘triggers’ in an attempt to manage their symptoms, and yet many are still reliant on medication and preventatives with strong side effects.

Personal Experience

I personally started having migraines when I was 14 years old, over 4 decades ago. Believe it or not, that was in 1967! I would stress so much studying for exams that I would get a really severe migraine. As a result, I never took an examination with my class the entire time I was in high school. I ALWAYS had a migraine and my Mom called the school and reported me sick. I always had to do a make-up test by myself. The positive outcome was that I performed much better, and I never had to worry about being accused of cheating!

In my teenage years, the only treatment for migraines was taking Aspirin and seeking out darkness and rest. We had no special medications available and doctors really did not know how to treat migraines effectively. My mother was also plagued with migraines. When either of us got one, we were almost always incapacitated for about 3 days. We suffered like this for many years. I was not able to get proper assistance and a handle on my migraines until about 1980.

What is a Migraine?

Neurotrasmitters in Brain Cell

Neurotrasmitters in Brain Cell

A migraine is a complex condition that features the classic throbbing pain in one region of the head, which is often accompanied by other neurological symptoms. The pain is usually more severe on one side of the head. Occasionally, an onset of the migraine presents itself as severe pain on both sides of the head at the same time! The throbbing or pounding can be attributed to specific changes in the brain. Doctors believe these headaches are caused by abnormal functioning of the blood vessels in the brain. The neurotransmitter levels within the brain go haywire. The head and neck pain from a migraine can often be very severe. The level of pain varies from person to person, and even headache to headache. At times, the pain is overwhelming and may be unresponsive to over-the-counter medicines. At this point, most sufferers turn to prescription medications.

Current treatments for migraines include Triptans, a class of drugs that, while effective, can cause many unpleasant side effects in patients. Preventative medications include those prescribed for depression, seizures, and psychosis and have many side effects as well. CBD Oil for migraine treatment might change this!

Prescription Drugs Prescribed for Migraines are:

  1. Sumatriptan
  2. Rizatriptan – also known as Maxalt or Maxalt MLT. I personally use Maxalt MLT because it is a tiny dissolvable pill you place under your tongue. It only takes a minute for it to dissolve. I then lay down for about 30 minutes and I can usually divert a migraine.
  3. Frovatriptan
  4. Naratriptan
  5. Zolmitriptan
  6. Eletriptan
  7. Almotriptan

These are the brand names. Many  are prescribed under different names. Discuss these medications with your doctor. Sometimes one has to try several before finding one that works. I personally have used Maxalt MLT because it is a tiny dissolvable pill which is placed under the tongue, taking only a minute or so to dissolve. After I lay down in darkness for about thirty minutes, more often than not, I am able to divert a migraine. However, I am open to trying CBD Oil for my migraine treatment. I have not had a migraine in awhile, but when I experience one again, I plan to reach for the CBD Oil.

A Migraine is More than a Headache

A migraine is more than just a headache. Along with a severe throbbing or pulsing sensation, many people also suffer with deep eye pain over the top of the eye socket. Other symptoms include severe nausea and stomach pain, vomiting, blurry vision, tingling and/or numbness, fatigue, confusion, and extreme sensitivity to light, sounds, and smells. Some rarer and more concerning symptoms of migraines can mimic a stroke and include fainting, difficulty speaking, blindness, and even temporary paralysis. Even if the headache portion of a migraine is negligible, these other symptoms can drain and impair a person until the migraine passes. However, the full course of a migraine can last from hours to days, which is part of what makes them so hard to tolerate and to treat. Chronic and cluster migraines can be a disabling condition that impacts both the working and family life of sufferers.

The Cause of Migraines

Doctors and scientists are still unsure of all the mechanisms that may cause migraines. There appears to be a genetic component, with many members of the same family susceptible to migraines. As previously mentioned, my mother and I had really severe migraines. This included her mother as well.

Environmental factors can cause migraines. Certain foods and food additives such as sugar, alcohol and caffeine may contribute. Changes in weather patterns (barometric pressure), bright sunlight or glare, fluorescent light and electronic display screens may also contribute. In addition, strong scents, such as Musk Oil, may trigger migraines in sensitive individuals.

Physical factors also play a role. Stress, sleep irregularities, exertion, dehydration, extreme cold and heat, poor posture, teeth grinding, and hormonal fluctuations may contribute to causing migraines.

The 7 Categories of migraines are:

  1. Common migraine – 80% of migraines are considered common. With this particular migraine, one does not experience an “aura” before the headache starts.
  2. Classic migraine – You know you are about to experience a migraine because you get an “aura” just minutes before the full onset of a migraine.
  3. Silent or acephalic migraine – This migraine presents without any head pain. However, you still experience an “aura” and other symptoms of migraine.
  4. Hemiplegic migraine – This particular migraine mimics the symptoms of a stroke. Symptoms can include loss of sensation, weakness on one side of the body, and/or sensations of pins and needles.
  5. Retinal migraine – Temporary loss of vision in one eye is the tale tale sign of this migraine. The sensation of vision loss can last from minutes to months! The vision usually returns. But not always. This migraine can be a sign of more serious medical conditions. Consult your doctor immediately!
  6. Chronic migraine – People who suffer from these migraines experience them more than 15 days per month. It is not usually 15 days in a row. It can be several different headaches over that period of time.
  7. Status migrainosus – This condition is a constant headache that lasts more than 72 hours. Once again, if you experience this type of headache, seek medical attention.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD Oil is made from the hemp plant but contains no, or only trace amounts of, THC, the chemical that gives you a ‘high’ in marijuana. This means it has no mind or personality-altering effects.

There is some scientific evidence that CBD oil works in the body as an anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anti-convulsant, and anti-anxiety

CBD Oil in Bottle with Dropper. Use CBD Oil for migraine treatment.

CBD Oil in Bottle with Dropper. Use CBD Oil for migraine treatment.

substance. CBD Oil is prescribed in Canada and Sweden to help alleviate Multiple Sclerosis pain, and in recent years, CBD Oil has been approved to treat rare forms of childhood epilepsy.

The Institute of Medicine released a report saying that the scientific data suggests that there is ‘potential therapeutic value’ of cannabinoid drugs, including marijuana and THC and CBD products. Since then, many states have passed more flexible medical marijuana laws and regulations. There are still some states, though, where even CBD products with THC in them are still illegal for personal medical use, so be sure to check your state’s laws before obtaining CBD Oil with THC. Three of these states are: North Dakota, Ohio and District of Columbia. Also, the laws in South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas are sketchy as to the use and availability of Hemp CBD Oil

How does CBD Oil Treat Migraines?

Using cannabis to treat head pain is a centuries-old practice, or at least it was before cannabis products were outlawed across the board along with marijuana. This action took place a couple of years before the start of World War 2. Only in the last 10 years has cannabis and marijuana been revitalized as an option to standard pharmaceuticals. As more and more people recognize the benefits, a resurgence is occurring. Because of this, CBD Oil has moved to the forefront as a miraculous treatment for many ailments and diseases. More research is needed to understand exactly how CBD Oil works. However, preliminary research suggests it interacts with cells in the brain and nervous system, which then affects the immune system.

One of the proven ways CBD Oil treats migraines is by increasing the level of anandamide molecules in the blood. Higher levels of this neurotransmitter coincide with reduced inflammation and pain throughout the body, including the head and neck. Thus, CBD Oil for migraine treament may help decrease the pain and symptoms associated with the onset of a headache. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Can you imagine having a natural way to deal with migraine headaches?

Though lots of preliminary research has been done, currently there are very few U.S. scientific or clinical trials to site for CBD Oil’s effectiveness, specifically on migraines, but the anecdotal evidence is astounding. The few studies and reports conducted so far suggest that CBD products are an effective treatment for migraines. Many chronic sufferers have been able to reduce the frequency and severity of their migraines on a CBD Oil regimen. Even people who have migraines rarely have been able to use CBD Oil to treat and reduce the pain and length of an individual migraine attack. Other studies show that cannabis products are helpful in treating many of the individual symptoms associated with a migraine; nausea, vomiting, muscle tension, and pain.

What are the Risks of CBD Oil?

There is no real risk in using Low-THC CBD Oil ; dependency isn’t an issue the way it can be with other substances, including many migraine treatment drugs currently used. However, it can cause dry mouth, and ingesting high doses of the carrier oil containing CBD could cause nausea or diarrhea. People who have problems with their blood pressure or are on blood pressure medication could experience a drop in blood pressure that makes them lightheaded. Be sure to check with your physician if you take blood pressure medication. Others report drowsiness as a possible side affect, though migraine sufferers may see that as an advantage that allows them to rest and recover.

‘Rebound’ headaches may occur with CBD Oil as with other migraine treatments. Researchers believe this is due to a lack of a neurotransmitter in the brain that likely causes migraines in the first place. CBD Oil increases this neurotransmitter, so if you take it long term and then suddenly cease, your brain could respond to that by triggering a headache. Remember to discuss the possibility of stopping CBD Oil with your doctor and let him guide you on the best way to wean yourself off.

One of the few real risks in using CBD Oil is in the lack of regulation. Since CBD products do not have FDA approval, there is no federal control over the purity, potency, or labeling of CBD Oil as yet. Make sure to get your CBD Oil from a reputable supplier, and to speak with your doctor before beginning a CBD Oil regimen for your migraines.

Since there are few side effects and no chance of dependency, CBD Oil is a safe, and potentially effective, treatment for migraines, especially for those who have yet to find a successful method of managing their migraines. In all cases, consult with a medical professional to evaluate and discuss your specific medical condition.See if CBD Oil can, or should, be used with any of your existing medications.

I hope you found this article interesting and factual. If you enjoyed it or got much needed information from it, please like and share this article. Also, if you have any questions, please leave a comment below. What do you think about using CBD Oil for migraine treatment? Have you tried CBD Oil for a migraine? If you have, I would love to hear your experience.